Friday, September 28, 2007


I was TAGGED to complete this meme by Danielle!From her blog.

Four Jobs I Have Had In My Life

  1. Waitress
  2. Mother
  3. Tax Preparer
  4. Bookkeeper

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

  1. Gone With The Wind
  2. Titanic
  3. The Thornbirds
  4. Roots

Four TV Shows I Like To Watch

  1. 24
  2. Witout A Trace
  3. Ghost Whisperer
  4. NCIS

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation

  1. Port Hudson,Louisiana
  2. Natchess,Mississipi
  3. Pigeon Forge,Tennessee
  4. Dallas,Texas

Four Favorite Foods

1.Sonic Burgers

2.Larry's baked chicken



Four Websites I Visit Daily

1.Mary's Craft Corner

2.Knit one Tea too

3.International Tote Exchange

4.Swap Dex

Four Places I Would Rather Be

  1. Alaska
  2. Montana
  3. Tennesse
  4. Nevada

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging

  1. I am tagging anyone who reads this and wants to do it.
  2. You
  3. You
  4. and You

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